Estd. 1956

NAAC Accredited "B+" Grade


Our Motto - Truth and Love

Department of Computer Science


Research Guide:

Dr. (Mrs). R. A. Ingolikar

Papers Published:

Dr. (Mrs). R. A. Ingolikar

Sr. No. Name of the paper published Name of the Journal
1. Fuzzy logic for group decision making Published at the web site and in form of proceedings in the form of CD proceedings

Paper no. iccs2005_93

2. Discrimination using  fuzzy grades Journal of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications, New Delhi, Vol. 4 No 2, 2006 (New Series)
3. Implementation of fuzzy logic for sale and purchase of agricultural products. Science Journal of R.T.M.N.U. Nagpur.

Vol. 12

4. Fuzzy clustering for flour categorization Vidarbha Journal of Science

Mathematics club, Department of Mathematics, GVISH Amravati.

5 Model for cotton count determination using Neural Networks Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Research India Publications ISSN2231-1270 Vol 4, Number 2 (2012 pp 161-171
6 Identification of Person based on Ear Dimensions Advances in Computer Sciences and Technology

ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 5 Number 2 (2012) PP 81-89

Research India publications

    7 Information Technology an important tool for health care system to improve life expectancy Proceedings of Emerging trends in Information Technology and Business Computing. Conference held at DNC, Nagpur.
8 Identification of Person based on Iris Advances of Computer Sciences and Technology

ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 5 Number 3(2012) pp155-163

Research India publications

9 A study of Biometric Security System International Journal of innovative research & Development

ISSN : 2278-0211(online)

Vol 2 Issue 4 April 2013

10 Comparative Study of Storage of Responses of Questionaires in DataBases International Journal of Engineering and Technology ISSN 2278-0181

Vol 2 issue 3 March-2013

11 Migration of Responses of Questionnaires from MS-Excel into OODBMS International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and software Engineering

ISSN: 2277 128X Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013

12 Segmentation of  Masses in Digital

Mammograms using optimal global

Thresholding with Otsu’s method

IJCST Vol 5.3-2,July-Sept




13 Algorithms for the storage of questionnaire data


An International Journal of

Advanced Computer


ISSN : 2320-0790


14 An Analytical Study of Broadcasting models

and the indexing schemes


ISSN : 2231-1475

Volume 8,Issue-1

15 Efficient Approach for the classification of

Masses in Digital Mammograms

International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Vol.13,Number 3, June 2017 .Included in UGC list.Indexed in(Elsevier).Ei Compendex(Elsevier) Scopus

ISSN : 1349-4198

16 Automatic Detection and Classification of Masses in Digital Mammogram International Journal of Intelligent Engineering And Systems

ISSN : 1882-708x

17 Model for Spectral classification An International Journal of Engg & C/S

Vol-4, Issue-12

Dec 2015

PG. no. 15226-15228


18 Comparison of HDBMS, NDBMS, RDBMS& OODBMS International Journal of advance research in Computer Science and Mgmt Studies Scientific Journal PP 2347-1778
19 Generalized algorithm for proposed Database Model International Journal of innovative Research in Computer & Communication Engg




ISSN (Print):


PP:8536 to 8543

20 Application of mining Techniques to Classification Star International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Sci &Mgmt studies

ISSN(Online) 2321-7782



21 Star Classification using Tree based data mining Techniques IOSR Journal

7th April 2016



22 Efficient Approach for the classification of Masses in Digital Mammograms Internatinal Journal of Innovative Computing and Control Vol 13, Number 3 ,

Jun 2017

23 Automatic Detection and Classification of masses in Digital Mammograms International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems.
24 Data mining of facial features using random forest. Algorithm for person classification. International journal of creative research thoughts. Volume 6, Issue 1, march 2018 ISSN 2320-2882. PP:2112-
25 Person identification using data mining of facial features extraction. International journal of scientific research in computer science , engineering and technology. Volume 3, Issue 3, IISN; 2456-3307. PP: 952-960
26 Classification of masses in digital mammograms using biogeography – based optimization technique. Journal of King Saud University- computer and information sciences.

Production and hosting by Elsevier. 15 January 2018, ISSN: 1319-1578, peer reviewed journal.

27 Classification of masses in digital mammograms using firefly based optimization. I.J. Image, graphics and signal processing. 8 February 2018, volume 2, PP 25-33.
28 Spectral Classification using DSS based on weighted random forest and other mining techniques. research review international journal of multidisciplinary (UGC Listed journal) 2018

ISSN: 2455-3085(online)

29 Decision support system using weighted random forest for astronomical data. IOSR- journal of computer engineering. Volume 20 issue 4, ver-1, July-august 2018, e-ISSN : 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727.

PP: 40-44.

30 Classification of masses in digital mammogram using genetic and ensemble Method. Feb 13, 2018.. Journal of intelligent systems, ISSN (online) 2191-026X, p-ISSN: 0334-1860. Impact factor: 0.48, indexed in Google scholar, SCOPUS and many more.
Mr. Dilip S. Sadhankar

Sr. No. Name of the paper published Name of the Journal
1 Exercising Advanced Technologies In Teaching and Learning” UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on Use of Technological Resources in Language Teaching and Learning
2 A software reliability evaluation based on key factors in SDLC” International journal IJSRD
3 An overview and comparison of Software Reliability tools IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
4 Study of Factors Affecting Reliability in Software Development Process IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
5 An Overview and Classification of Software Reliability Models  IJSRCSEIT journal
6 Letizia: An autonomous web agent for automatic retrieval and identification based on users browsing behavior National level conference at Dhanwate National College, Nagpur.
7. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining: A Concept International Journal of resrech in Bioseiences and Agriculture Technology special issue edition. 2 July 2017 ISSN NO 2347-517X

Open access, online, peer reviewed four monthly journal.

Miss Itika Lakkewar

Sr. No. Name of the paper published Name of the Journal
1. Analysis of Algorithm an Asymtotic Notation MITACS college, Alandi (D) Pune, Maharashtra State, India
2. Electrode is used as channel in Human Body Network MITACS college, Alandi (D) Pune, Maharashtra State, India
Books Published:

Sr. No. Book Name Author
1. SQL and PL/SQL (oracle) Dr. R. A. Ingolikar and Miss Itika Lakkewar
2. Programming in C Dr. R. A. Ingolikar and Miss Itika Lakkewar
3. JAVA programming Dr. R. A. Ingolikar and  Miss Ritika Wanjari
4. Operating Systems Dr. R. A. Ingolikar and  Miss Kavita Gawhade
5  Data Structure Dr. R. A. Ingolikar and  Miss Shilpa Gedam

National Conference Conducted:

Topic – Network Security

Date – 21 and 22 of January 2007

Convenor –  Dr.(MRS) R. A. Ingolikar

Conference Proceedings were out.